Avery Dickerson
Avery Dickerson
Avery Dickerson
Avery Dickerson
Avery Dickerson

The name of the game? Simplify your Shopify.

I am a Freelance Shopify Developer based out of Dawsonville, GA.

About me

I’m Avery Dickerson, a Full-time Freelance Shopify Developer working remotely from home. Before that I worked in IT hardware doing asset disposition.

Working as a full-time Shopify Developer has given me the chance to pursuit my passion of web development in one of the most booming economies to date: Ecommerce!

Outside of work, I’m usually working on a side-project of some form or another. It helps me learn new skills at my own pace, without the constraints of budgets and timelines.

Other than that I have a wife and 3 kids, so you can imagine how busy I stay! (haha)

But all kidding aside, software is my life! I am what you would call one of the lucky ones, because I have chosen to chase my dream and now I get to do what I love with whom I love every single day.